What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff


The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent. It is evident that War Clouds are gathering. The signs are everywhere, with media coverage and open talk of war in many countries. The RAND Corporation have for years been preparing military scenarios for World War III, and NATO is reported to be currently doing so. Vast movements of NATO troops and equipment are either in preparation or process to surround Russia. The US is surrounding China with military bases including the world's largest in Guam. Both China and Russia are surrounded with nearly 400 US biological weapons labs. Iran is entirely vulnerable from the American military build-up in the Middle East.




Friday, March 2, 2018


For the first time since Friday, October 13th, 1307, the Knights Templar have been invited back into the inner sanctum of monotheism, according to Templar and P2 Freemason lodge sources.  So, a 711-year-old injustice, one that gave rise to the superstition of Friday the 13th being unlucky, is finally being addressed.  This is just another sign that we are experiencing events that can only be described as biblical.  Remember that in February of 2016, the Roman and Russian churches ended their thousand-year schism.  Will the Muslim, Jewish, and Christian schisms be next to end?  Maybe we will find out soon.

Anyway, now the Templars will be merging with the Knights of Malta, and this will “provide access for the Templars to the Vatican itself,” according to Andrew Heim, of the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, aka the Templars.  Furthermore, the Templars will be given “access to the inner sanctum of the Abrahamic religions, seen with the access afforded to the Vatican and to the Holy Land.  In addition, this inner sanctum will include access to the controversial Prieure de Sion made popular by Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code…” says Heim.

This event is just the latest sign of a fundamental change of direction for Western civilization away from war and toward peace and development, according to these sources.  If all goes well, trillions of dollars will soon be made available to both pay off debt of the U.S. government and the private sector, as well as finance a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, and turn the planet earth into the paradise it is meant to be, the sources say.  This is now being talked about in public by Western leaders and reported on in the corporate media.  Remember, you read it here first.

The earth alliance fighting to free humanity from Babylonian debt slavery is also winning on multiple fronts, with senior satanic cabalists dying, disappearing, or losing power at an accelerating pace.  CIA sources are now confirming, for example, that Jacob Rothschild was killed by a suicide attack on his helicopter in November of last year.  If this is true, he joins David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Soros, and many other leaders of the collapsing old regime.  The top satanist still in power is now Benyamin Netanyahu of Israel, who is being indicted on multiple counts of corruption and will most likely be killed before he can testify about multiple war crimes such as the Fukushima mass murder attack on Japan.

With most top-ranked cabalists now out of the picture, lower-tier ones are being targeted.  That is why casino mogul Steve Wynn (Weinberg) was forced to resign, ostensibly for reasons of sexual harassment, Pentagon sources note.  Now Mark Cuban, the billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks, has “been exposed for enabling a corrosive misogynistic culture, and may be lifetime suspended and forced by the NBA to sell his team,” the sources say.  Another cabal powerbroker in trouble is Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, who failed to get an endorsement from her own party to run for re-election.

The Pentagon and P2 Freemason sources, among others, say the removal of senior and junior cabal leaders is coinciding with growing evidence that some sort of secret space war is being waged to liberate this planet.  Pentagon sources, for example, are saying the cabal’s “space fleet was destroyed over Nevada.”  A video apparently showing part of this reported destruction can be seen here:

Also, a submarine base in Papua, New Guinea was destroyed by energy weapons and was thus “prevented from setting off the Yellowstone caldera,” the sources say.  This was the base from which the March 11, 2011 Fukushima nuclear and tsunami attack on Japan was staged.  A look at the epicenter of the earthquake, 6.08 S and 142.70 E on Google Earth, reveals some rather strange objects.
同样,消息来源说,巴布亚新几内亚的一座潜艇基地,被能量武器摧毁,并且由此被阻止它挑破黄石火山喷口去引发大喷发。这座基地同样也是上演2011311日对日本福岛核海啸袭击的基地。看一看谷歌地球上的地震中心,6.08 S 142.70 E,就可以看到一些很奇怪的物体。

The UK, which is not known for earthquakes, has also experienced 21 earthquakes in the past 50 days and the seismographs bear the hallmark signs of artificial quakes.  Pentagon sources say the quakes are caused by the ongoing destruction of cabal underground bases in Wales and Ireland.

Also, Canadian Secret Intelligence Service officials say the anonymous “Q” posts being looked at now by 20 million people are part of a military intelligence battle against the deep state.  He says U.S. President Donald Trump is preparing for disclosure about the secret space program.  The articles at these links supports this view:

In any case, back here on earth, the latest staged mass shooting event by the cabal in the U.S. is turning into a major disaster for the cabal and their propaganda media, as the story unravels despite desperate attempts by CNN and Google to censor the truth about crisis actors, etc.  “The false flag attack at the predominantly Jewish Parkland High School, whose victims by the way don’t exist according to public records, was another attempt to grab the guns from the American citizens,” according to a Jewish CIA source.  The source explains that they could not find any birth certificates for the so-called victims.

“The cabal anti-gun distraction backfired, as corporations like MetLife, Chubb, United Airlines, Delta Airlines, and Hertz that dumped the NRA after the Parkland shooting may face massive boycotts from non-NRA gun owners and military veterans, as the NRA gains even more members,” Pentagon sources add.

Furthermore, “In a smack-down to frivolous Israeli lawfare, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Rubin versus Iran, ruled 8-0 that Jewish victims of a Jerusalem 1997 suicide bombing cannot collect from Iran by seizing its museum artifacts in Chicago,” they point out.

The cabal is also losing on many fronts in the financial war.  The latest move against them was the issuance of an oil-backed cryptocurrency by Venezuela which has already raised $735 million for that country on its first day of pre-sale.  “It must be a smart move on Maduro’s side, as it is making the deep state very nervous,” a CIA source pointed out.

Russia and Turkey are also preparing to issue cryptocurrencies as a way to counteract U.S. sanctions, the CIA source notes.  With ASEAN also moving to nationalize cabal-owned central banks and China starting gold-backed yuan oil futures trading, soon only Japan, Israel, and part of the U.S. will remain under any form of cabal financial control.

The military government in the U.S. will continue to battle against the cabal until it is fully defeated, Pentagon sources promise.  When we see a jubilee announced and carried out, we will know the American people will be finally freed.  Right now, though, 77 million Americans are being hounded by private debt collectors and many are being placed in privately owned prisons for debts as small as $28, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.  Why aren’t these debt collectors being jailed?  Why aren’t the slaves in the private prison network being freed?

On a final note, we can report this week that the White Dragon Society (WDS) is now engaged in high-level negotiations with the U.S. military-industrial complex, the P2 Freemasons, Asian secret societies, the Russians, and others to prepare the planet for final liberation from the cabal.

Although there is a lot we cannot make public at this time, we can say that trillions of dollars will be made available for Western countries to clean up their act.  We can also say there is not going to be any single one-world currency, and there will not be any fascist world government.  However, the WDS has been told that unless humanity achieves world peace, the quarantine on planet earth will not be lifted.  This is why it is important for the entire planet to achieve Korean reunification and end the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

If we play our cards right, what unfolds over the coming year or so will be something that historians will be writing about for thousands of years.  We have a very real chance of ending thousands of years of human slavery and starting a new age.

Translator: Pearl



Ver a imagem de origem

Kriegsgefangenenlager in Amerika

Von Larry Romanoff, 02. Juni 2020

Übersetzung: K.R.


Hinweis an die Leser: In Anbetracht der immensen Bedeutung dieses Themas leiten Sie diesen Artikel bitte über Ihren E-Mail-Verteiler weiter und posten Sie ihn in Ihren Blogs, Internetforen usw., mit der Bitte, dass jeder, der irgendwelche Details oder Familiengeschichten kennt, die Licht auf diese Ereignisse werfen könnten, diese bitte direkt an den Autor unter weiterleitet.


Diese Geschichte hat alle Voraussetzungen, um sich für eine Verschwörungstheorie zu qualifizieren und macht vielleicht keinen Sinn für Sie ohne einige Hintergrundinformationen über den Zusammenhang.

Bevor die USA in den Ersten Weltkrieg eintraten, wurde eine enorme, jahrelange antideutsche Propagandakampagne von der Creel-Kommission entfesselt, die von Walter Lippman und Edward Bernays geleitet wurde, letzterer war ein Neffe von Sigmund Freud. (1) (2) Die öffentliche Literatur griff alles Deutsche in Amerika an, auch Schulen und Kirchen. In vielen Schulen wurde den "reinen Amerikanern" verboten, die deutsche Sprache zu unterrichten, und die Verwalter wurden aufgefordert, "alle illoyalen Lehrer", also alle Deutschen, zu entlassen. Die Namen unzähliger Städte wurden geändert, um ihren deutschen Ursprung zu eliminieren: Berlin, Iowa wurde zu Lincoln, Iowa. Deutsche Lebensmittel und Namen von Gerichten wurden aus den Restaurants verbannt; Sauerkraut wurde zu "Freiheitskraut", Dackel wurden zu "Freiheitshunden" und Deutsche Schäferhunde zu "Elsässern".


bf pic



(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


Larry Romanoff,

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